Become a Dana-Farber Financial Coach

Imagine hearing the words, “You have cancer”.  Now imagine a life full of doctor appointments, numerous tests and fear and wondering if you are going to be ok.  As bad as that all is, imagine losing your job, not being able to pay your rent or mortgage or wondering how you can pay for heat or electricity.  This, is what some of the patients we help deal with on a daily basis.

If you got into this business to help people, the Dana Farber Financial Coaching program may be one of the most rewarding experiences you will ever have.

Responsibility: You will meet with the patient/family to discuss the various strategies to help them. These face-to-face meetings are held at Dana Farber in Boston (parking provided) or at a location that is convenient for you and the patient. Your office, their home or even a Starbucks. Some patients prefer to be helped over the phone and no travel would be involved.

To participation in this program requires that all pro bono planners attend this full-day training session, sponsored by FPA New England and the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute. You must be a CFP member in good standing and your FPA NE membership needs to be up to date.


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