Join us at June 23rd at 12 noon: Integrating Time, Money & Joy into Your Planning Process? Webinar Focus Retirement “Encore” Planning

Glenn Frank will present. Time and money are invariably in tension with everyone’s desire to be happy. If the goal is to maximize family happiness, how do you reconcile TM&J on a day-to-day basis and when life’s crossroads surface?

Help clients: “create” more time for what brings joy; alleviate financial stress, discover greater HPD (happiness per dollar) and greater HPH (happiness per hour); avoid family disasters that might look good on paper; and understand the basis of informed decisions – Their Number!

Beyond financial information, should you gather facts around the client’s happiness and time? With you in the “driver’s seat”, clients can navigate a better life roadmap!

Today’s Focus

Apply the general concepts above with clients who are at their post career inflection point. “Purpose” is key. Goal is to have a very successful Encore!
Opportunity – 10,000 /day turning 65, trillions changing hands!

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